
WEEK FOUR: Biological Philosophy and Evolutionary Thinking


1. Why is the theory of evolution so important in understanding how human beings behave?
The theory of evolution is used by Darwin to explain the origin of human beings, and it has also been applied in many other fields of study. The major content of evolution is that in a group of individuals, there are many variations. However, with the passage of time, individual with the better suitable traits could live on and give birth to children, while those with unwelcomed traits would have fewer chances to pass down their DNA, including the basic structures, the physical characteristics as well as all kinds of behaviors. According to the ideas presented in the short video, “The Magic of Evolution: Daniel Dennett's Card Trick Analogy”, “by hiding mistakes you create a miracle”. That is to say, the process of evolution is similar that “all the dumb mistakes tend to be invisible”. The theory of evolution is important in understand human beings’ behavior because it could tell us which behaviors are successful so they still exist till today, while some behaviors have been hided in the process of evolution.

2.  Which questions do you think evolutionary theory cannot answer?
Firstly, the theory of evolution is a scientific hypothesis introduced by Darwin. It is based on lots of observations and experiences, but it could not be directly proved to be right or wrong. Secondly, Darwin only covered the process from the common ancestors to the current status, but fundamentally, it failed to answer the question about the origin of organic life. He failed to explain the basic difference between the life entity and other physical materials. Thirdly, it only covered our experiences and our behaviors, but it cannot answer questions in the intelligence level, such as how we think about things, the development of mental activities, and the motivation level, how we control things, etc., the feelings. We are not simply “a bundle of neurons and nerve endings tied to together in a huge neural complex that gives rises to consciousness”, (The DNA of Consciousness) but Darwin failed to explain the nature of human beings in a deep way.

My post could be found:

The post I am replying to is written by Huamun, which could be found:

Hi, Huamun. You have provided a great analysis about the importance of evolution theory. I have neglected its significance in the area of religion and science. On one hand, it proved that we were created from a common ancestor. On the other hand, in a deeper social meaning, it proved that human beings or all the creatures are not created by God as described in the bible. Women are not produced from the ribs of men. What’s more, no matter the social status or the wealthy conditions of human beings, they are naturally the same.

