
WEEK SIX and SEVEN: Digital Philosophy and A.I.

1. Do you think artificial intelligence will be a significant problem in the future?

No, I do not think artificial intelligence will be a significant problem in the future. As shown in the video, “The Complexity of Consciousness”, consciousness is the most important or “fundamental property of living matter, which could not be derived from anything else”. That is to say, by designing a machine and using the digital way to store and process information, might not produce similar effects as the human brain.

2. How has technology impacted your life?

Technology could impact our life in many aspects. As introduced in “The Avatar Project”, for example, it could greatly help the learning of students. “What a student needs (but seldom if ever gets) is a mentor who can be a constant companion and goad, encouraging and motivating him or her according to their respective abilities and needs.” That is to say, with the help of an AI or a technology system which could specially design a study plan and supervise the students to study, education could make a great development.

